Saturday, May 29, 2010

Feeding Habits for a wolf-hybrid

I guess I should mention that from the beginning of the 7th month we only now feed Tundra once a day (about 7 cups). We were told when we first got her to feed her in the morning and at night. Now she' is only eating at night and only AFTER we eat (part of the way you should raise wolves as being the dominant one).

I'm still feeding her the iias and the wet puppy food like when we first got her but since she's had all her shots and she's not a baby anymore I'm also now feeding her:
  • Rice
  • Chicken
  • Medium-Rare Steak (doesn't sit well)
  • Carrots
  • Dog treats
  • Corn on the Cob (They can eat the entire thing)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Anxiously awaiting our arrival

I spent Wednesday night at my Moms in Vernon this last week. When Jason came home he said Tundra ran as fast as she could to the gate and started wagging her tail thinking that her "Mom" was coming behind Jason. Jason said "No, Mom's not there" so she ran as fast as she could to the front door and looked around there only to hear Jason laughing saying "Nope, not there either" before she finally ran to greet him. I'm thankful that I was able to have our wolf when I was laid off as I was able to raise her full time. When you get a wolf-hybrid (especially high content wolves) you should get them at 4 weeks old. At this age they don't remember anything but you.
To hear that she wanted to greet me SO badly is very heart warming.

This morning she jumped up on the bed and smacked me with her paw (her favorite way to get attention). Her favorite time each morning is the time when she gets to jump up into bed with us in the morning. Shes only allowed on her Green blanket which is funny to say to her "Stay on the green, our lil golfer" after patting the bed to the area she's allowed to lay on she'll smack both of her paws down and give us attitude with a bark-ish howl. She listens or she loses her privileges of being on the bed. When you know that your wolf knows what you're saying (especially with biting, obeying, etc.) don't ask anymore with things she should KNOW, just discipline or they will always test you.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Our Return from Puerto Vallarta

Well we made it back from Mexico. The first thing we did when we got home at 2:30am was try and see if our dog was in her outdoor kennel. Our landlord/dog sitter had her in with her Mom. Celina is very hard to catch if she gets out of her kennel and because she's not fixed catching her when she's pregnant is impossible as when wolves become pregnant they go off to look for a den to have their pups.

Male wolves are like real men -- they lose their minds when they are around females in heat. To have a wolf of this breed, you just have to be aware of these tendencies. Male wolves can become aggressive to other males (and sometimes other females & humans) when they are around a female dog/wolf in heat.

So after only having a couple hours of sleep we ventured out early morning to see our little angel. She was soooo excited to see us both, it was very cute.

We will update later with more pictures and stories.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Wolves eyes glow

You always hear of wolves eyes glowing in the dark so to see it first hand with our little wolf is amazing. This picture kind of got that gleam she gets in the dark when the light hits her eyes the right way.

Miss Tundra's surgery went well... in fact it was hard to keep her jumping around like "Tiger" off of Winnie the pooh she was jumping around whereas the vet had warned us that she might be groggy from the medication. Yup, not this wolf! I was worried she might rip something the massive amounts of energy she has. I understand now why Keyhan runs his wolves with his quad.

Tundra is going to be looked after by Keyhan the next week as Jason and I are taking our white pale complexion to Mexico this week. To be honest, I think Tundra will probably like Keyhan looking after her even more than us as she gets to hang out with the other dogs & gets run every day with the quad.

I understand now why people say that you should always take your dog every day for at least 40 minute walks as their temperament changes so much -- calmer, more obedient... I've even noticed the difference. Yesterday we took Tundra off leash on a hike down the property and she was a little angel when we called her, she would come running. The trick is to have treats for that one but she will eventually get used to coming when called and I often call her without treats now.

Liver treats are the most inexpensive and desired treats to wolves! All you need to do is boil it. Cheers!