Saturday, May 8, 2010

Wolves eyes glow

You always hear of wolves eyes glowing in the dark so to see it first hand with our little wolf is amazing. This picture kind of got that gleam she gets in the dark when the light hits her eyes the right way.

Miss Tundra's surgery went well... in fact it was hard to keep her jumping around like "Tiger" off of Winnie the pooh she was jumping around whereas the vet had warned us that she might be groggy from the medication. Yup, not this wolf! I was worried she might rip something the massive amounts of energy she has. I understand now why Keyhan runs his wolves with his quad.

Tundra is going to be looked after by Keyhan the next week as Jason and I are taking our white pale complexion to Mexico this week. To be honest, I think Tundra will probably like Keyhan looking after her even more than us as she gets to hang out with the other dogs & gets run every day with the quad.

I understand now why people say that you should always take your dog every day for at least 40 minute walks as their temperament changes so much -- calmer, more obedient... I've even noticed the difference. Yesterday we took Tundra off leash on a hike down the property and she was a little angel when we called her, she would come running. The trick is to have treats for that one but she will eventually get used to coming when called and I often call her without treats now.

Liver treats are the most inexpensive and desired treats to wolves! All you need to do is boil it. Cheers!

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