Saturday, May 29, 2010

Feeding Habits for a wolf-hybrid

I guess I should mention that from the beginning of the 7th month we only now feed Tundra once a day (about 7 cups). We were told when we first got her to feed her in the morning and at night. Now she' is only eating at night and only AFTER we eat (part of the way you should raise wolves as being the dominant one).

I'm still feeding her the iias and the wet puppy food like when we first got her but since she's had all her shots and she's not a baby anymore I'm also now feeding her:
  • Rice
  • Chicken
  • Medium-Rare Steak (doesn't sit well)
  • Carrots
  • Dog treats
  • Corn on the Cob (They can eat the entire thing)


  1. our white gsd loves raw meat. you should give it a shot lol.

  2. our white gsd loves raw meat. you should give it a try with your hybrid lol.

  3. What a lovely baby! She looks like she is getting huge! My baby boy is about to hit 5 months and is almost 50 lb. How much does she weigh? 7 months?

  4. Tundra is now about 60 lbs @ 7 months old. Its getting harder to pick her up! Our breeder says that the trick to getting good height/weight on your wolf is to feed them lots of organs (like liver).

    Your pup is adorable!

  5. Thank you so much! I've been feeding him lots of wet food and scraps from our local butcher, he has been doing very well off that but I havnt tried organs yet. But ya! Picking him up is getting to be a pain for me as well! I miss carrying him around like a baby! haha.
