Sunday, May 16, 2010

Our Return from Puerto Vallarta

Well we made it back from Mexico. The first thing we did when we got home at 2:30am was try and see if our dog was in her outdoor kennel. Our landlord/dog sitter had her in with her Mom. Celina is very hard to catch if she gets out of her kennel and because she's not fixed catching her when she's pregnant is impossible as when wolves become pregnant they go off to look for a den to have their pups.

Male wolves are like real men -- they lose their minds when they are around females in heat. To have a wolf of this breed, you just have to be aware of these tendencies. Male wolves can become aggressive to other males (and sometimes other females & humans) when they are around a female dog/wolf in heat.

So after only having a couple hours of sleep we ventured out early morning to see our little angel. She was soooo excited to see us both, it was very cute.

We will update later with more pictures and stories.

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