Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tundra - 6 Months old - Improvement Goals & Forth Comings

What is it like to own a high content wolf-hybrid? This breed is smart! So I figured I would compile a list of some things that Tundra has learned, needs improvement on and other things every six months.

Things She CAN do:
  • Sit
  • Laydown
  • Speak & "Say Please"
  • Shake a Paw
  • Belly (Laydown while exposing the belly)
  • Stay (half the time)
  • Open doors (apparently)
  • Walk Nicely
  • Potty Trained
  • Certified Bug Eater/ Exterminator
  • Not to jump up when serving her food
  • She'll retrieve a ball/frisbee already
Things she needs IMPROVEMENT on over the next 6 months:
  • Stay
  • Come
  • Stay "Off"'
Words she understands:
  • Food/Hungry/Eat
  • "Water"
  • "Don't Bite"
  • "Gentle", "Take it nice" (feeding food from hands)
  • "Belly", Laydown, Sit, Paw, Speak (Say Please)
  • "No Speak", "No"
  • "Kennel"
  • "Go to bed"
  • "Shoes"
  • Her Toys: "Slipper","Ball","Football", Frisbee","Red Bone"
  • "Leash", "Off Leash"
  • "Go Play","Go Get it"
  • "Come" (she knows she just doesn't listen)
  • Pee & Poop (Jason says the foul version of poop)
  • "Tail"
  • "Jump up", "Down","Off"
  • Nicknames 8 +: "Miss Tundra","Miss Thang", "Stinker" almong others
    Some things I'm HOPING She'll learn by 1 year:
    • Walking without a leash (she does this now only on our property with us)
    • Putting her toys away (haven't yet attempted)
    • Close the door after herself
    • The food on nose trick (Jason had his old dog [Boston Terrier] learn that trick)
    • Get Jason a Beer (nah, I'm kidding, she'd help herself too)

    For being only 6 months old, that's a pretty impressive list of things a dog can do. I might have missed a few things as its all off the top of my head but think about it... a human baby at six months can only crap itself and drool... wolves have to learn fast in the wild in order to survive. High content Wolf-Hybrids are a very intelligent breed. They can be a bit harder to train because, unlike dogs,  they  seek your respect/friendship every day... its hard to explain until you experience what it's like to live with a wolf.

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