Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Well - Tundra is now over 3 months old and I feel like she's getting noticeably bigger every day. We'll attach some pictures - but it obviously won't do it justice.

Today, I decided to go outside with her, but without a leash. The first time - it went rather well... she never went more than a few yards in any direction away from me. Tonight though, she had other plans :) Soon as I opened the door, and she knew she had freedom - BAM - she was off to the races. I honestly tried to catch her but there's no catching a wolf-hybrid ;) That little girl is like lightning... thankfully as soon as I went inside, she was at the door asking to get in. I believe the rewards of things like food pretty much sway the battle in my favor. lol

Wolf-hybrids are a lot of responsibility and she's sometimes a hand-full - but we both love her to bits. Nancy is over trying to teach her some more tricks, while I get out of trouble by writing a blog post ;)

Hope you enjoy the pictures - she's growing up to be a beautiful little creature. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!



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