Friday, February 12, 2010

She's Gettin' Bigger!

Tundra is growing like a weed! We just had to take off her collar today to adjust it as her neck is getting larger around as she grows. Here's a couple videos:

Tundra @ 4 Months old

I'm very proud of her, shes starting to listen a lot better now and have less accidents inside. I would highly recommend kennel training a puppy as they grow to LOVE their kennel and it's not a cruel way at all to keep them clean & free of accidents.

Tundra @ 3 ½ Months old learning to "Lay Down"

Kennel training will also let you have a peaceful sleep without waking up to poop or chewed up items in the morning. Your wolf-hybrid will howl to let you know when it needs to pee or poop during the night so have it close enough to your sleeping arrangements to hear. Although, be warned - wolves are very smart and will sometimes make the sounds of having to go out but really don't have to. It sounds ridiculous (and its probably the same for babies) but you almost know the difference between the whines/howls/yelps if they need to go to the bathroom or if they're just pulling your chain for some attention while you're catching up on your beauty sleep.

As you'll see for the photo above I slipped on some ice while walking Tundra. It doesn't help that where we live right now is a complete ice-rink... oh that sooo stereo types Canadians... but in truth we live up a mountain with a higher altitude. Whenever it rains in this beautiful city, it will snow where we live. Tundra loves the snow.

So my next training session with her is to teach her how to properly walk. I'm already giving the command to "slow down" so at least she'll get used to the word and the gentle resistance. When she gets bigger I'm not sure that I'll be able to control her pulling and that worries me a bit. Maybe buying a spring litter would have been a better idea? Nah, wouldn't trade her for the world.

Here's a decent comparison in heights from this old photo in front of the oven.
Tundra @ 7 weeks old vs 4 months old (sorry for her slouching)

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