Monday, January 11, 2010

High Content Wolf-Hybrids are hard breeds to raise!

Wolf-hybrid dogs are not easy to raise, they take a lot of time and proper learning of how to disciple them to have an obedient companion.

I was told by our breeder that raising a high-content wolf-hybrid is one of the hardest breeds to raise. Course... I must have not heard this part before I decided to get a dog. I've never owned a dog let alone a wolf before so it would have had to have been Murphy's law that I would have picked the most difficult breed.

We're struggling right now with Tundras potty training. Its hard because she's inside all day in a caged off area so she thinks its okay to go bathroom indoors in this spot. Because we live so far out of town, we're not able to let her out at lunch and kennel her all day.

Thankfully she will be put into the kennel with the other wolves/German Shepards in a month when she's a bit older and it's a bit warmer out but until them we're getting very frustrated teaching her to go outside so what we've resorted to is kennel training her the best we can. We are putting her in her kennel if she goes outside and does NOT go pee or poop and we will leave her in there until she cries and then we'll let her outside.

Now obviously this doesn't always work out as she's been in her little area all day and wants some love and attention and sometimes we'll turn our head for a second and she decides that she has to go... sometimes she'll run over to the door but she's not vocal unless she's in her kennel.

Tundra had her second set of shots on Friday and was much better than the first time. Our friend (and breeder) was with Jason to help him look/react properly so that she won't bite. I had to work so I wasn't there to report on what she did/didn't do but hopefully Jason will write an entry explaining what he learned.

Tundra has now learned "sit", "no", and plays ball/brings the ball/football/Frisbee back. Still a lot of work to do with her but I can already tell shes going to be a great dog.

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