Thursday, December 24, 2009

Questions from YouTube on our High-Content Wolf-Hybrid!

 I'm happy to hear back from anyone that has questions. I know that I've been busy over the Christmas holidays but I do encourage any feedback or questions anyone has about raising a high-content wolf-hybrid dog so please feel free to drop me a line and ask!
Your puppy
Hi, i am very interested in getting a hybrid. I was wondering what are there special needs, and what is her diet?

Thanks for your time.

 My Response:


High-content wolf-hybrid dogs are wonderful! Jason & I are really enjoying raising our little wolf female. Our landlord breeds them and I had similar concerns before I made my final decision to get one.

They do take a lot of work so you should know how to handle them properly. The only special needs they NEED to have is an owner that has a lot of time to dedicate to raising them, with a lot of love. Wolf-hybrids are not like dogs; you can not use the same disciplinary actions with them like you can with dogs. This breed is VERY intelligent and will analyze people and situations and make a decision based on what she thinks; whereas, a dog will go do what its told (our landlord can explain this better haha).

Wolf-hybrids get the same shots as a dog, they have the same care needed for their nails and teeth as well as they eat the same food a dog does.

The only other special thing about wolf-hybrids is that you get them at 4weeks old whereas a dog you usually get around 6 weeks old. When we first got Tundra, we were told to buy some milk from the vet and feed her 3-4 times a day for 2 weeks (small portions of milk made with warm water). We slowly introduced her to water and now we have her completely off of milk. Because Tundra is a puppy, we were recommended by our breeder to feed her the iams puppy pet food "chicken" and the iams dry puppy food. 

You can read more about Tundra and how we have been raising her at I will post your question for anyone else out there that needs to know.

I have never owned a dog let alone a wolf so I thought it would be fun to blog about raising her and post what I learn so that others that decide to get a high-content wolf will know what to do too, because I think we all have the same questions.

Tundra just turned 10 weeks old and I'm still learning how to raise her. Our vet has told us things that we came back with questions about and our breeder/trainer/landlord told us that the Vet was wrong and that the form of discipline was for DOGS.

We are currently in the process of training her so we will post techniques as well.

In other good news, I've asked Jason to help out with creating this blog as I'd love to post some videos on how to train your wolf-hybrid (thank you YouTube). We are learning "down" for when the puppy jumps up.  This is great this time of year when they're tracking mud throughout the house and when guests come over for Christmas dinner you'll want your little wolf to make a good first impression as many people stereotype this beautiful breed without giving it a chance.

I like to joke with Jason that we should have company over ALL the time as Tundra is such an angel when there are people around and loves to play with kids the most. I must admit I'm still nervous with Tundra playing with children as she still likes to bite hands (gently) but sometimes doesn't know her own strength. If you don't know how to properly play with wolf-hybrids they will attack your hands (with love). Thank goodness a wolf-hybrids puppy teeth are sharper than its adult ones!

Happy Holidays everyone!

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