Monday, June 28, 2010

Just wanted to note that I love all of the positive feedback we've been getting from other wolf owners!!

What to do with a territorial wolf dog...

Lately we've been wondering what to do with our wolf-hybrid, Tundra. We are in the dilemma of socializing her more with other people so that she's used to other humans and learns to get along. I am constantly worried that Tundra might bite someone as she's not too shy to let people know if she doesn't like them (she'll act like shes about to bite, raised hair, sometimes shows teeth).

Tundra is great with other dogs as she's used to our landlords 4 wolves/German Shepards. Tundra is surprisingly very good around children (Children as young as 3 so far she's been exposed to). When saying that she's good around kids, I mean the kids that don't take interest in her -- not the children that pull on her, poke her etc.
In  fact, while camping this last weekend, our little wolf took to the two 10 year old boys shooting arrows and finding bugs in the woods; like a protector not leaving their sides.

So when we had people starting to come over to our place (we don't entertain very often) it was embarrassing when Tundra wouldn't stop barking, growling and showing defensive actions towards our company. Its mostly our fault because we don't have people over very often but when the second time we had company over outside (not inside the house) it was still really bad. So after talking to our friend (breeder & trainer) about this behavior we were told to give her a "time out" like you would a kid.

We have an outdoor kennel that she can stay in and still see us but she's not allowed to come out and join us.

We haven't had people over here since but next time I'll let you know if she smartens up!

I had a person write me and let me know they've adopted a wolf-pup from a rescue. I have to say my heart goes out to you both for being so wonderful and taking such a tough breed in. Hopefully your pup was well socialized and has a very easy transition.

I won't lie, wolf-hybrids can be VERY difficult to raise as they are SO smart, fast, tough and a large breed. Its actually a bit humoring as to how much like having a kid (or so I can imagine) this breed is to raise.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Tundra 8 months old

Sorry everyone! When I took this video I said she's 7 mnths old.... well.... she's now 8 mnths old... amazing how time flys!

My best friend

Ever since she was a baby wolf pup, she would always go in between my legs. This is a GOOD SIGN as it shows that she's inferior to you and its also a way they show affection.

If your wolf-pup goes in between you legs, don't discourage it. Even at 8 months old she still goes in between my legs... even if I'm wearing a dress haha.

The "down shirt" shot is a bonus, btw. Haha! Now you'll look if you didn't already. Cheers!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Thinking of taking our wolf kayaking...

It can be done:

But its honestly more of a question of whether there will be enough room for her since she's sooo big!

Either way I'll make sure to have a harness, and a doggy life jacket if I do try. Plus when I kayak it's always on a calm lake just off of shore.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tempted to start feeding her SPAM

I think we need to increase the size of Tundra's eating dish & drinking bowl because I swear that girl is a camel & a lion.

Also a note that I tried to pick her up the other day and almost fell over. She's huge. Time for a picture update.

Alright the photo to the right is of Tundra today... which means she's 8 months old in that picture. Sorry I didn't get a face shot, lets just say we won't be doing month 10 unless Jason's helping me.

I do apologize, we don't have a scale to weigh her but when she was 6 months old she was 50 lbs. If I had to guess I would say she's in between 65-70 lbs. at 8 months old.

We spend about $60 dollars a month on dog food. We still feed her iiams puppy formula & the puppy wet. We feed her probably 7 cups of dry and we starve her once a week (usually a Thurs/Friday). Yes...its actually healthy to starve your wolf once a week. If you have an event that she or he needs to be an angel for, make sure you starve them the night before and have tons of treats on you. She'll be by your side the entire time!

(Click picture to enlarge)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hundry Wolf Hybrid Puppy 6 weeks old

I just realized I forgot to post the most popular YouTube movie into this blog!
Ever since we've had our little baby wolf she's been very very vocal about dinner time. It's not a good habit to have your wolf in because it's a form of begging but at 6 weeks old, Tundra would be very vocal when we were mixing the wet in with the dry.

You are the pack leader who gives to the rest of the pack their share of the food when you are done eating. This is why feeding your dog after you have already eaten is very important. Because Tundra was so young in this video, correcting her on begging or being "vocal" she was too young (wait til they are around 3 months to start the discipline with begging).

I miss our little wolf being this tiny! Enjoy!