Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Wolf-hybrid the carrot eater!

Lots to report on!

Tundra has now lost all her baby teeth and now has a full set of adult teeth. I ended up saving a lot of her baby teeth I would find. I think I vacuumed up the last one accidentally this weekend.

Tundra is not a vicious dog so our trainer/friend said we just need to use a chock collar on her. Our largest hurdles with Miss Tundra so far is:
Jumping up, getting her to "come" when we're outside, listening...
Shes really smart... apparently too smart in some cases because unlike a dog, she will THINK before she obeys a command... our trainer tells us that dogs don't think they just DO whereas wolves always think and evaluate their circumstances before executing what THEY decide to do.

Tundra has an outside kennel near the other wolves. She is now an escape artist as she attempted to dig her way out and succeeded in digging a small hole... if she were any smaller she would be free! We fixed it with a big rock but chicken wire under dirt will also correct this new bad habit.

Now in saying that Tundra isn't vicious, she's VERY protective of her home. Our landlords informed us that when one of the ladies came to take some readings from our meter, she saw Tundra and remarked "What a beautiful puppy" as she was heading over to pet Tundra. As soon as she spoke those words Tundra showed her teeth and started to growl at the lady wanting to pet her.

Yess!! We've succeeded in having a protector! Exactly what I want if I take her for walks when Bears are out or if someone attempts to break into our house/yard.

Our little wolf-hybrid is also at the stage now where she doesn't like to be alone anytime. She wants to be in the bathroom when I'm in the bathroom, laying in bed when we are etc. Its almost like the 2 year old stage that children go through.

And like having kids... I let out a huge sigh this morning coming outside to find my new bamboo rug for under our table set already chewed... you can't have nice things when you have puppies/kids.

Tundra's favorite treats are liver, chicken, wieners and CARROTS! haha yes... she loves the crunch noise of eating a carrot.

A couple weekends ago we were invited out to sit by the fire with the other wolves/German Shepards...
Tundra didn't need to be on leash until it was too dark to have her roaming... she loved it! I'm still kicking myself that my camera battery was dead and we didn't get any decent pictures of her and her parents!
More bon fires to come as the days slowly get warmer. This morning in APRIL it snowed!! I do believe it will be the last snow fall of the year. It better be!

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