Sunday, November 15, 2009

Night1 raising a wolf-hybrid

Tundra is not very fond of her kennel at night. Jason and I both already agreed that she wouldn't sleep in bed with us because when she's 120lbs we don't want to have to share the bed with her.

We do take her on the couch when we're on the couch to cuddle and nap. Shes a very good puppy except for the kennel. She cried/howled/growled last night for a good 20 minutes on and off until Jason got up and slept on the couch with her. She's so small right now that when she trys to hop off the couch its too big of a drop so he had a pillow on the ground.

I had a bad headache last night so I remained in bed waking up 3 more times to her crying as Jason was trying to put her in her kennel to sleep. As soon as he let her out she just walked out of the crate, over to her blanket and fell asleep there.

I got up early this morning to fix her some food and milk we bought from the vet. After playing with her for a good 15 minutes shes out like a light again. Tempted to wake her so she'll let us sleep tonight but I know that puppies need a lot of sleep just like babies do.

Tundra, like most pups, loves to chew on the bottom of pant legs. To try and break her of this habit we have a rope for her to chew on. Every time she trys to chew on it we bring out the rope for her to chew on.

Oh and in good news, potty training this little girl is very very positive so far. We put down a place with paper for her to do her business and last night she took her first poop there! Peeing is a bit hit or miss but its normally around the area we've designated.

Well I must be off to buy some more wet canned food to mix with her dry and some puppy pads.

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