Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Day Tundra was born

Our Wolf-Hybrid puppy was born on October 16, 2009. She was one out of 10 puppies and the only other blonde one in her litter. Her "twin" male brother later reflecting wasn't so much her twin as the solid black brother with white facial markings you will see in the pictures. We are calling him "twin" or "teddy" because he looks like a teddy bear. I tell ya, if I was able to keep both a girl and boy it would have been Tundra and Teddy.

EDIT: I've been getting a lot of hate mail from this blog telling me I'm wrong about her breed. I am friends with the owners (at the time I lived below them and have personally interacted with the parents). I was there when they first got Tundras father... Now one of the supposed "facts" that people constantly throw at me is that she's not a wolf because wolves are not born in the month of October... it's not in their nature. This is true for WOLVES IN THE WILD... wolves when raised in captivity don't regulate to normal habitat ways... they aren't fed every night or given a warm heated home to sleep in therefore they don't mate in the wild during those months. Any more questions ask at

Tundra is the name of our 4 week old female wolf-hybrid. My name is Nancy and my hubby J (Jason) are both starting a blog to promote wolf-hybrid dogs and share with your our experience in raising one of these amazing animals. Wolves are often mis understood but they are a very affectionate, intelligent species unless raised to become otherwise.

We purchased her from a very close friend (and landlord) that lives upstairs and shares his beautiful property with us. Our landlord breeds wolf-hybrids and we've had the pleasure of getting to know his wonderful wolves and his beautiful German Shepards.

Our Wolf-hybrid puppy is part Alaskan Wolf (male), part Timber Wolf (female) as well as part German Shepard. We are told by our landlord that she has the typical wolf markings on her face and behind her ears of the red you see in wild wolves.

I never knew that a wolf-hybrid puppy could be so intelligent! Day one having her and she already responds to hand signals and words like "come". We told her to come with the hand gesture and repeated the word. She looked at us you could tell trying to figure out what we were saying to her. So I gently lifted her back legs and she started walking towards J. We tried that two other times in a 30 minute span and she came each time called.

We crate her when we eat to teach her not to beg and we are supposed to feed her only after we eat.

Today on day one, we've put her in and out of the crate all day to make sure she's comfortable with it as she put up the cutest tantrum when put her in before supper. She growled, then she howled then she barked and then her final attempt at a big mean growl before falling asleep. It's amazing how, like a child, she has human tendencies.

She has a very thick coat at 4 weeks old, she is cuddling with us for a bit and then she has to get away from us when she later wakes up too hot. She loved laying on the cold tile for a good 20 minutes before switching to the rug.

We are feeding her iams puppy food solid mixed with iiams puppy wet food with rice & chicken. Our landlord said that it is good to feed wolf-hybrids rice and vegetables from the table (after you're done eating, not during). The leftovers from our dinner (rice, veggies, steak) went into a tiny bowl for her. She doesnt eat much but she sure loved the treat.

We've tried feeding her the milk we picked up from the vet (puppy milk) but she seems to prefer the water over the milk.

We're touching her paws, her nose, and her tail to get her used to human contact. We want her to be used to being examined when she visits the vet.

Shes just might make a really really good watch dog at her age already! When we crated Tundra (after her fit and she was calm/sleeping) I walked up to her and startled her awake. She started to growl at me and I couldnt figure why until I bend down face level with her. As soon as she saw my face she stopped growling and we think it's because she didn't recognize us.

Anyways day 1 is coming to a sleepy end. I love the stage where she snuggles us. Just love it! Soon she'll be too big to snuggle.

I'm not sure how much she weights. Jason figures 5 lbs. and we don't have a scale to see.

I'll keep you posted.

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