Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ok I lied... I can still pick her up

On our drive across Canada we stayed with our friend, John , in Calgary ( as our first stop. Photo below is compliments of John's amazing talent behind the lense.

Tundra was really timid with John & Mandy but was really good on our first night sleeping over at someone elses house.
Tundra is a year and one month old in this photo. I'm not sure exactly how much she weights right now but Jason is guessing 75-80 lbs. Enjoy!

Tundra was still a bit intimidating for Mandy but this breed needs respect and Tundra needs time to trust a person to pet her... shes not like a dog.

She seems to like women a lot more than men but in saying that has made leaps and bounds when we had our friends over last night.

Matt was very patient with her and later in the evening when he was in the hot tub Tundra came around and started licking his face. She might have been intimidated by his height...

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