Saturday, August 7, 2010

A wolf in her natural surroundings

This was Tundra's first time at the river. Unfortunately the area we went to had a lot of people randomly showing up and a lot of bikers (Tundra's FAVORITE to chase next to quaders) so we had to keep her on leash.

If I could go back in time I would have worn my swim suit and gone in the water to encourage her to go in deeper because as you can see the above photos are as deep as we could get her to go without her freaking out.

But I did teach her how to shake off by using hand signals and the work 'shake' repeatedly... she caught on very fast and seems to learn faster with hand signals alone or signals and words combined than just words...

Click on the photos above to enlarge them

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Harness verses neck coller

I'm thinking of purchasing a harness leash for Tundra. Any suggestions? Anyone?

I have a pinch collar for obedience training as well as a chock chain. Tundra never really needed the pinch collar as much as she needed the chock chain. Now that she's older and better at walking I'm thinking that perhaps a "Dog Whisperer" advice of having a harness is better for their neck.

Our breeder says that wolves have a lot of muscle in their necks so you don't do any long term damage but I can only image that a harness is better and easier on them.

Any advice?