Sunday, March 7, 2010

My little wolf-hybrid loves to run...

I was worried the first time Tundra and I went for a run because I heard that you're not supposed to run dogs or wolves before they're a year old as they could develop hip problems earlier on. I talked to our breeder/trainer about this and he said that a run was good for her muscles as long as you're not too hard on her.

First of all, I don't run... I only believe you should run if you're either a) being chased by something MUCH larger than you or with the means to rip your body apart upon catching you or b) if you're pushing yourself with all your might to get to catch the mailman/garbage man/bus or c) if you JOG like I do... then running yourself to the last personal goal. I jog... it could also be done with a fast walk speed.

The first time I took Tundra for a run we went around where we live. There are very few cars/people/dogs and she needs to get used to how I want to train her to walk (with me, slightly ahead but always in eye shot of me). At five months its essential to teach her not to pull either otherwise when she is full size she'll be the one dictating where you're going or pulling so hard you could break something.

Lets just upload a picture here to show you what she looks like at 5 months old. She's already the size of a largerish medium sized dog... she's a female too so if you're thinking of getting a male wolf-hybrid they can be HUGE. Simba is already taller than me if he stands up on his two back paws and I'm 5' 5".

I thought for sure that Tundra would give some signs as to when she wanted to stop walking but she was eager to go anywhere for any length of time. I started her off on going downhill then uphill on the way home and that night she looked like she was drunk as her little legs were so tired... so I eased off but she hasn't been as tired as that first jog. That night our little wolf was dead to the world laying on her blanket in bed with us.

Tundra hasn't been allowed to be up on our bed for long periods of time because she can never be good and let us watch our shows but lately within the past 2 weeks she has gone almost 3 hours (her longest) being a very good girl laying down and not trying to smack us with her paws or howl at us.

That was another debate we had before we got a dog... let alone a wolf-hybrid... would we let our dog sleep in bed with us or would we let her up on the bed at all? We've both been in agreement that from the beginning, Tundra sleeps in her kennel. Shes a very very large breed and to share a bed with not only Jason the bed hog but Tundra the even larger bed hog??? No friggen way!

She's allowed up on the bed but only when she lays on her own special "Tundra" blanket... she does tend to try and creep to our blanket at times...

Speaking of which... I must run and switch over laundry.

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