Saturday, December 5, 2009

Tundra - 7 weeks old - Slept all night

Last night was the first night that Tundra slept all night without needing to pee. She woke us up at 8:00 am whereas she usually wakes us up at 5:45 am or once at 1:30 am and then at her normal quarter to 6.

Jason took her outside the other day without her leash on and aside from running a bit far she did and always came back with a bit of coaxing and praise from us.

I have just recently landed a full time job so I will be gone all day at work. This saddens me in a way to not be there for Tundra but I think in the end it will be more healthy for our little wolf-hybrid.

I've noticed that she's been my shadow a lot lately. Even when Jason is home Tundra is always asleep at my feet while I'm working. I have an old towel thrown down on the tile so she's not too cold.

Tundra has outgrown her puppy kennel and with the start of a new job, we have went ahead and bought her a kennel that is her full blown size. We have decided not to keep Tundra in her kennel while we're both at work, instead, we are going to be sectioning off an area of our place so that she has a place to pee, a place to sleep and a place to play. Update: That went well but be aware that baseboards could end up chewed.

Tundra also bit too hard today. She drew blood on my ankle while "playing" with me. I've been trying to get Tundra to look at my face to read my facial expression that I'm NOT in the playful mood. To do this I simply move my hands toward my face as she seems to look at my hands a lot for direction. I think Tundra will be very good with the hand signals when she's a bit older.

Her paws are slowly getting larger. I had to take a pic to remember how small they are now. Her Dads hands are the size of mine to give you a comparison.

So far tone of voice seem to work and clapping my hands (sort of like the 1,2,3 method taught to children-- 1 being NO! 2 being a clap and three I will take whatever away and gently tap her nose and repeat "NO!"). This method is working very well as I usually don't need to get past clapping my hands together for her to listen... here's hoping "NO!" will start working better (:

Tundra is now a part of our family & we love her. This is our first family pic. Tundra is 6 1/2 weeks old in this picture to the left.

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