Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tundra, wolf-hybrid pup, at 5 ½ weeks old

Tundra is a very curious girl getting into everything now. I miss the days when we could snuggle! Now she likes to bite when we try and snuggle as she loves to show affection and play. Biting in Wolf-hybrid puppies is common and normal at a very early age they start to hurt (not intentionally) so I like to distract Tundra with a towel, old slipper or another toy to chew on. Re-enforcement of toys and things she's allowed to chew on will be your constant battle until she's old enough to really know better.

I notice that after 3 weeks of living with us she's already knowing certain sounds, words, and things that are bad and not to do. She already responds to her name and has recently taken up (although cute) a bad trait of howling and barking when she knows that I'm making her food/milk. She gets so excited that the food is coming that the longer I take, the louder and longer she'll cry to me for. I will talk to the wolf-training expert and find out what the best practice to avoid this trait is. I don't like being demanded around my kitchen- by a man OR a dog! haha

Here are her week 5 1/2 old pics. Enjoy.

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