Monday, February 17, 2014


So some sad news to report here... after 5 years together Jason and I have decided to part ways. There are no hard feelings and I honestly wouldn't trade the years I spent with him or the experiences we've had for anything as they've helped me grow as a person. Sometimes people grow together and sometimes people grow apart... or have different future goals.

While we remain friends and I will still be doggy sitting my beautiful wolf-hybrid, Tundra, I will not be blogging anymore as I'm expecting that these visits will become fewer and fewer... especially when J finds a girl that will be jealous of my presence (haha... we're all crazy b*tches, aren't we?)

Thank you for reading my blog & I just want to emphasize that you get out as much as you put into owning a wolf-hybrid. They are an insane amount of work but when I see how much smarter and better behaved she is compared to other dogs I know I'm sooo proud to be a part of her life. To have the opportunity to raise such a smart, amazing creature is such a gift in itself.

Take care & feel free to reach out if you have a question about raising your pup.

Also, check out where we got Tundra.