Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tundra is evil old

Well I was posting picture updates when I noticed how many days old she is by the calculator I have on the site. Tundra is 666 days old today!

Although I have to say she's been a lot better since our move, I think she was probably more evil last night than today (:

Our girl has gotten used to people and now looks forward to when we have guests over so she can meet people. She's still very impolite when it comes to sniffing areas that make people annoyed and she unfortunately begs but overall that is the only thing I would have to complain about with her bad habits.

A couple times we caught her digging in the garden. After a tap on the nose and showing her what she did wrong combined with watching her activity outside to catch her in the act, she's been really good.

Tundra was not used to all the loud noises when we took her for walks in her new home. We bought a halter for her and can't believe the difference in her walking!

Pic Updates

What do you want? I was sleeping!

Her favorite spot